Tuesday, May 18, 2010

EMERGENCY POST! I have just come accross the most cool like person ever! Charlie McDonnell that is.

Charlie McDonnell (a.k.a. Charlieissocoollike) is definitely one of the coolest people to grace the pages of youtube. He is a very talented and funny singer/songwriter. But not only does he sing, and come up with creative instruments, he is also video blogger. He uses his vlogs to help us understand the mind of boys, try and figure out girls, explain Beiber Fever, share a poem about a mustache, help us to see the deliciousness (or not so deliciousness) 0f baby food, discover the contents of his bedroom, descibe just who Dr. Who is, and oh so much more. There is no way to accurately descibe the amazing videos this nineteen year old boy has created; and of course if you have "the almost imponderable joy watching Charlieissocoollike, that makes you well like cool." Seriously all the teen youtube star wannabes should step out of the and bow for Mr. Coollike, for he goes above and beyond with his videos by just being his down to earth, hilarious self. Watch out Fred and shanedawson because here comes Charlie! If you have not already heard of Charlie, I suggest you look him up and I'm sure you will agree that he is amazing beyond belief!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Christian Music. Not gospel, but Christian rock! :)

By request of my friend I shall write about Christian music. I decided that I would pick the rock genre of Christian music. It's hard to pick favorites though. The best live rock Christian band I've seen lately was definitely Switchfoot!! They were not only gifted musically, but they also keep the audience involved the whole show! It was amazing; the energy, the music, and the power. The show left me awe struck and very tired! Another great rock Christian artist is Phil Joel. Though in the softer rock category, he is still energetic and completely passionate about his music and what it means. To name a few others, Relient K and Hawk Nelson also have a great rock sound and have great lyrics. It's hard to go wrong with Christian rock, even if you aren't a Christian. Not every single one of their songs is written about God or the Christian faith; their music is for everyone, so if you haven't already, give their stuff a listen and I'm sure you will enjoy it!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dance music anyone? How about Electronic?

So the first genre I will start writing about will be dance and electronic music. Let's start with today's chart toppers: Ke$ha and Owl City. Now, Owl City is definitely a great and unique artist, bringing electronic to a new level by putting it on the charts with his fun lyrics and awesome beats! His CD, Ocean Eyes, is wonderfully fun and has personality and originality. I highly recommend this CD to anyone and everyone. It's hard not to smile when you hear these songs.
Now, you may not consider Ke$ha a dance music artist, but, hello, her music makes you want to dance! I consider that dance music, the kind of music you would here playing in a club or even a school dance. Her CD may not be of great substance, but it can definitely be a mood lightener. I have just recently bought her entire CD, and though I may not be thrilled with her overplayed synthetic pop songs, the rest of her CD is entirely too catchy and is great to listen to for any occasion. Whether you are having a party or just dancing like crazy in your room with your bffs (or letting loose by yourself) this CD is great to dance and have fun to. I recommend this for people who like to let loose and dance every once and a while, but I would not recommend it to someone who wants to hear raw talent.
Thanks for reading. :)